
Maestros has blazed their path in beard care superiority by way of three key elements- superior products, superior service, and a superior staff who care about and believes completely in their products excellence. A familiar face you may often see, amongst those in the Maestros family, is Anthony “Baron” Marcellus (IG @baronmarcellus). You will often find him demoing product in Maestros beardcare videos, or perhaps on one of his adventures, all while representing the brand he holds so dear.
Anthony is a native of Historic Bristol, Pennsylvania and has been in management since he was young. While Maestro's was working on establishing themselves firmly as a known brand, he was at college earning his degree in history and German. He is the epitome of “starting from the bottom” having done just that with Maestro's. As he grew steadily with the company, Anthony made it a point to shadow all positions and learn all he could within Maestro's in order to be more familiar with every aspect of the product and make himself an invaluable asset to the company.
A Baron is a member of a foreign nobility; a rank similar to that of a nobleman. One befitting of Anthony, who conducts himself in a manner that reflects a nobleman within a company that operates as beardcare royalty. As the “Baron of Beardcare” continues to grow along with Maestro's, you can be sure that he will continue to craft a better self, and in so doing help craft a better you.
Written by: John Banks (aka Super Maestro)